We invented Ad Block Choices, our proprietary One-Click Permission Technology that creates vast amounts of new inventory and revenue.
It’s non-interruptive and allows users to keep their ad blocker on so you never need ask them to turn it off
This simply delivers better results and respects the reasons why ad blockers are used
Over a 97% Acceptance rate across all forms of ad blocking
Creating millions of dollars in new revenue opportunities
You can let them browse ad-free, request them to disable or whitelist your site, attempt to restrict their browsing until they disable their blocker or whitelist, or push for a subscription.
None of these options are effective at scale.
Then there's the issue of "network" ad blocking, utilized by large corporations, government institutions, colleges, universities, and public Wi-Fi. Many vendors now integrate ad blocking into their products such as VPNs, Antivirus software, routers, and other "mesh" technologies. Even if you prompt users to disable or whitelist your site, it's often impossible as the ad blocking technology does not reside on their device and thus they have no control over their experience.
Ad Block users are not opposed to ads: over 97% acceptance rate
On average, more than one Third of the U.S. population use ad blockers. Over 43% of people under 35
Who are they: educated, higher income and net worth, influential
Ad block users tend engage more with websites and perform better than non-ad block users
If you want to succeed as a brand in the current market, you need to rebuild trust. Consumers have lost faith in many of the brands that they once believed in but there is one simple tool that many companies are ignoring to rebuild that trust: permission.
It’s time for publishers to take ad blocking seriously. Most ad block detection tools used by publishers today don’t work because they are blocked by this software so most publishers don't even know the size of the challenge.
The Ad Council and Adtoniq join forces delivering COVID-19 awareness to ad block users